Individual Quality is Decisive
Für die Herausforderungen der Zukunft braucht es gut aufgestellte Führungskräfte und Mitarbeiter. To be or become successful on the market in an ever more rapidly changing world, organisations must often change at a pace the affected individuals can’t possibly match. My coaching is aimed at
- Managers and employees who drive change and digital progress and repeatedly face new challenges in the critical tension between the need for change and human resistance in the business.
- Managers who have to meet the challenge of transformation imposed by the change in management culture (trust instead of control, flatter hierarchies, leadership no longer originates from the hierarchy alone etc.
Especially when the environment and challenges change due to promotion, reorganisation or change of strategy, major resetting of the necessary leadership skills often results. I support clients in such situations of change in targeting and focussing their further development.